Hi, I’m Dinaaz.

When asked to describe myself in five words, my reply is – “I’m a survivor, with attitude.”

No one and no business is immune from challenges. Being addicted to solving problems and seeking continual improvement, my focus always centers on how to excel, rather than to search for excuses or where to lay blame. My innate ability to survive has seen me overcome many challenges in both my professional and personal lives.

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Following 30-years and a long list of accolades in my marketing career, I went on to found two different companies amid a slew of health obstacles which funnily, I slept through.


From an operation on the wrong leg at 19, followed by a mismanaged labor which resulted in 11 operations over 12 months, to a retained surgical drain, they have all taught me many life lessons. But my greatest medical challenge was the partial paralysis of my forearm and hand following a complication from anesthesia. It was so rare that none of my treating doctors had ever heard of the complication. They repeatedly advised me to accept my fate and learn to live with the paralysis.

I couldn’t accept their prognosis and soon realized my recovery was literally in my hands. And so started a 14-month journey of continual medical research, seeing 49 different doctors, traveling from Sydney to Melbourne and Brisbane, and communicating with doctors around the world. Armed with a plan for recovery, a surgeon did reluctantly operate and within two days, the paralysis was reversed. He was so amazed by my recovery, that he said, “Dinaaz, you’re amazing. You have proved each and every doctor wrong.”


As a Change and Resilience Keynote Speaker, I share my life experience to:

  • Help corporate leaders develop a can-do attitude in their staff

  • Build resilience within their teams to overcome obstacles quickly and to the benefit of the organization

  • Improve ROIs with strategies to increase staff productivity

  • Embrace change and view setbacks as opportunities or simply detours along the way to success

  • Teach the foundations to turn hopes, dreams, and goals into lifelong success.


We’re all stories in the end, so make yours a good one.